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2017年1月9~12日にかけて、群馬県吾妻群草津町において、“Origin and Evolution of Deep Primordial Reservoirs”と題した、新学術領域研究「核-マントル共進化」第一回ウインタースクールを開催いたしました。講師にEdward Garnero教授 (ASU)、Jie (Jackie) Li 教授(U Michigan)、William McDonough教授 (U Maryland)、Paul Tackley教授 (ETH)をお迎えし、5ヶ国14の大学等から若手研究者、学生ら合計41名が参加して行われました。



2日、3日目にはポスターセッションが行われ、参加者全員の投票により、近藤望さん(京都大学)、鈴木裕輝さん(東京大学)、前田郁也さん(東北大学)、Junjie Dongさん(ミシガン大学)がポスター賞を受賞しました。



MEXT Shin-Gakujutsu “Core-Mantle Coevolution” Winter School 2017
“Origin and Evolution of Deep Primordial Reservoirs”

Date 9-12th January, 2017
Venue Nakazawa Village, Kusatsu Japan
Scope Inter-disciplinary winter school on deep Earth science
Keynote lectures from invited specialist in the fields of seismic tomography, geochemistry, geodynamics.
Poster sessions for students to show their research
Keynote Lecturers Edward Garnero (Seismology, ASU)
Jie (Jackie) Li (Mineral Physics, U Michigan)
William McDonough (Geochemistry, U Maryland)
Paul Tackley (Geodynamics, ETH)
Participants Ph.D. students and postdocs (about 30 people expected)
Registration Registration Form (Closed)
Poster Session Each poster should be printed in A0 portrait format

Registration fee・・・¥ 5,000
Accommodation fee・・・¥ 25,000 for student and posdoc, ¥ 40,000 otherwise
Fee for round-trip chartered bus from Tokyo area・・・¥ 5,000 → ¥7,000



Day 1 12:00 Departure Shinagawa Sta.
15:30-16:00 Check-in
16:30-16:45 Pre-test
16:45-18:05 PM1 Lecture 1-Geochemistry: Bill McDonough
18:05-19:00 (Break)
19:00- Ice breaker & Dinner
Day 2 9:00-10:20 AM1 Lecture 1-Geochemistry: Bill McDonough
10:20-10:30 (Break 10min)
10:30-11:50 AM2 Lecture 1-Geochemistry: Bill McDonough
11:50-13:00 (Lunch 1hr)
13:00-14:20 PM1 Lecture 2-Mineral physics: Jie Li
14:20-14:30 (Break 10min)
14:30-15:50 PM2 Lecture 2-Mineral physics: Jie Li
15:50-16:00 (Break 10min)
16:00-17:20 PM3 Lecture 2-Mineral physics: Jie Li
18:00-19:30 (Dinner 1.5hr)
19:30-21:00 Poster session
Day 3 8:30-9:50 AM1 Lecture 3-Seismology: Ed Garnero
9:50-10:00 (Break 10min)
10:00-11:20 AM2 Lecture 3-Seismology: Ed Garnero
11:20-11:30 (Break 10min)
11:30-12:50 AM3 Lecture 3-Seismology: Ed Garnero
12:50-13:50 (Lunch 1hr)
13:50-19:00 Free Time
19:00-20:30 (Dinner 1.5hr)
20:30-23:30 Poster session
Day 4 8:30-9:50 AM1 Lecture 4-Geodynamics: Paul Tackley
9:50-10:00 (Break 10min)
10:00-11:20 AM2 Lecture 4-Geodynamics: Paul Tackley
11:20-11:30 (Break 10min)
11:30-12:50 AM3 Lecture 4-Geodynamics: Paul Tackley
14:00 Departure
17:30-18:00 Shinagawa Sta.

●Nakazawa Village