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日時 2021年3月11日(木)午前10:00~
場所 オンライン開催
参加登録・お問い合わせ 愛媛大学地球ダイナミクス研究センター 出倉春彦( -at-まで



Time Speaker, Title
(17:00-17:40, 10th March, UTC-8)
松井 宏晃, Hiroaki Matsui (University of California, Davis)
“Thermal structure at the inner core boundary and force balance of the meridional circulation in the outer core.”
10:40-11:20 佐々木 洋平, Yohei Sasaki (摂南大)
“Generation and disappearance of surface banded structure produced by thermal convection in a rapidly rotating thin sherical shell.”
11:20-12:00 桑原 秀治, Hideharu Kuwahara (愛媛大)
“Sulfur-rich metallic liquids as the cause of low-velocity zone at the base of the lunar mantle.”
12:00-13:00 休憩・昼食  Lunch
13:00-13:40 竹広 真一, Shin-ichi Takehiro  (京都大)
“Light element distribution in the outer core induced by heterogeneous growth of the inner core of the Earth.”
13:40-14:20 大滝 壽樹, Toshiki Ohtaki (産総研)
“Seismic velocity structure of the upper inner core in the north polar region.”
14:20-14:40 休憩 Break
14:40-15:20 河合 研志, Kenji Kawai (東京大)
“High-resolution inversion of seismic waveforms for 3-D transversely isotropic structure in D′′ beneath the northern Pacific.”
15:20-15:40 出倉 春彦, Haruhiko Dekura(愛媛大)
“Mantle thermal conductivities of Earth and super-Earth.”
15:40-16:00 土屋 卓久, Taku Tsuchiya(愛媛大)
“Core-mantle chemical interactions”
16:00-16:40 西 真之, Masayuki Nishi (大阪大)
“Role of deep water cycle on the core-mantle interaction.”
